
Version 6.7.547

A summary of the changes in Release 6.7.547

Release Notes - MembershipSystem: 6.7.547

16551: Membership Sales Year on Year report

This report now lets you compare particular months within the date range e.g. September 2007 membership sales with September 2008.

16542: Elections nomination not accepting certain people

Removed an old setting that was causing the system to do an unwanted memberships check on proposers and seconders

16536: Handle phone number update errors

Contact details page validates phone numbers correctly when updating.  Also displays error messages in correct 'error' css class

16371: Registration page - check username meets requirements

Registration page now checks that username meets the requirements of the user account policy

16618: Website does not set docx files content type correctly

Office 2007 documents are now recognised properly and will no longer be downloaded as zip files

16559: Error when renaming page

Rename now checks that the page still exists before renaming - errors happened if the page was renamed then the back button pressed to go back to 'edit pages' - the page tree would not have been updated.

16605: Edit pages page - organisation page icon not shown in key

now it does.  Also moved key to the top of the page so it can be seen without having to scroll down the list, and removed the redundant empty drop down box.

16635: Review basket page does not show / hide proceed to checkout button properly

Fixed, now shows / hides properly according to transaction's check status

16636: Review basket page saved items hyperlinks don't work

Hyperlinks on saved items now work correctly


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