11353: Fonts
New page /admin/portal/editortoolbars/ now allows customisation of the wysiwyg editors around the site.
This is part of a larger work in progress and is subject to breaking changes.
11486: Set organisation page title to be name of organisation
Organisation pages now display the name of the organisation as th epage title and inside the breadcrumb
11461: Editing old news items
Deleting and Undeleting archives news articles now works as expected. Long lists of archived articles are paged for easier viewing.
11475: Adding job vacancy with invalid date causes error
Adding a job vacancy with a valid format but of a year outside 'normal' boudaries resulted in an error. This is no longer the case, these dates will be flagged as invalid forcing correction before the form can be submitted.
11597: Validate date entry on add banned list entry screen
Screen now handles invalid date entries
11607: POS Admin - error message when removing a product membership
11613: Error message when registering new person
Fixed a problem that happened when attempting to register a new person with an invalid postal address
11690: POS Admin - product membership icons do not correspond to grouping type
Now they do
11708: Permission denied errors on person properties screen
Certain buttons on the person properties screen (Uni data, Website account, Contact options) were enabled for non-Membership Admins, when clicked an error would occur. The buttons are now disabled for all users apart from Membership Admins