
Changes to Memberships Admin

You'll notice in the notes for this release there have been a lot of improvements to Memberships Admin, for full details you can see the release notes (and we have updated the Support documentation) but we thought we'd outline some of the major improvements here.

You'll notice in the notes for this release there have been a lot of improvements to Memberships Admin, for full details you can see the release notes (and we have updated the Support documentation) but we thought we'd outline some of the major improvements here.


You should notice that the application is a lot faster. It should take less time to load, display and create groups. There are also some new time-saving features:

 • Select multiple groups to perform actions
 • Apply a permission to multiple groups in a subtree
 • Opt-in/out all current members of a membership group or organisation to a contact method e.g. SMS
 • Copy any membership or organisation group
 • Create a membership group in every organisation below a point in the tree
 • Send password reset/reminder messages to a group
 • Reactivate expired memberships

Ease of Use

As well as speeding the application up there are some new features that should hopefully make it easier to use:

 • Order the grouping tree by hierarchy (default) or alphabetically
 • Sort list views by clicking on the column headings (particularly useful for sorting membership groups by the order in which people joined them)
 • Group list views by relevant criteria (type, category, organisation)
 • Specify icons for grouping types

Grouping Types

The grouping type setup and editing screens have been improved with distinct options for membership and organisation type groupings. In addition the permissions tab can now be used to set default permissions for a membership type grouping (as well as allowable permissions on an organisation type grouping).

So if a grouping type of 'Committee Member' should always have the permissions of 'Edit News', 'Edit Events' you can set it on the Committee Member grouping type and then when a new Committee Member is created it will have those permissions by default if the organisation type allows it.

Template Groups (sub head to grouping types)

To make it easier to create new organisations (e.g. clubs, societies), you can create a template for each organisation grouping type. This works in a similar way to the Create Organisation page in the Admin Website but allows you to have different templates for different grouping types (Society, AU Club, Committee etc.) For example a Society might contain Standard Membership, President and Treasurer but an AU Club might contain Standard Membership, President and Secretary.

In conjunction with the improvements to grouping type editing, template groups should streamline the organisation creation process. In a single step you will be able to create a new organisation complete with membership groups, membership products and permissions.

Grouping List Widget

Although not part of Memberships Admin the Grouping List Widget deserves a mention as it links in neatly with the improvements to Grouping Types. This supercedes the old Organisation List widget by letting you choose the groupings to list by grouping type (Society, AU Club) and filter or group by any attributes that grouping type has. For an example of this in action check out our new client pages.



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